Author Archives: valentinedreamer
Hey everybody! What’s up? 😀 I finished my TaeKwonDo tournament on Saturday and it was soo much fun. I got 7th out of 7 competitors in XMA forms but I got moved up to the black belt division ages 13-17 years old who were doing crazy stuff like punch and MEGA FLIPS! It was so…
Happy First Day of School!
My competition for the International Martial Arts Festival at the Disney World Wide of Sports:
Shoulder Rolls! Woo!
Ok, still sore. What is up with me. I have soaked in epson salt, rubbed sooo much moisturizer on every inch of my body, but… still sore. Nice. My classes have been wonderful, though! In yoga, I stretch everything. Ballet class is very hard, just the way I like it. Pointe kills my toes, even…
Oh so sore!
Ahhg! Talk about sore muscles. This is the second day at ballet camp, and boy am I sore. For the past couple of weeks, I have been waiting for camp to start. I’ve been getting my stuff ready by watching lots of ballet videos, but… I haven’t stretched. *Sheepish Grin.* Yesterday, I met Mrs. Manea.…