Gone fishin after class
#ebsi #ebsi2016 #nyc #ballet #dance #dancers #dancer #fish #pasdeduex #partnering @andriiishchuk1

Annika’s Updates: My Summer in New York City


Wow! What a summer this has been! I had the best time in New York City at the Ellison Ballet Summer Intensive. Here’s all my video updates that give you a peek into my experience. Hope you enjoy!


Annika XOXO

PS. Make sure to subscribe to my email updates. I’m working on new things all that time that I only share with my subscribers, including updates on my podcast, plus ballet how to’s and tips. You’ll get access to my violin recordings as I add them as well! Hope to see you on the other side!

Enjoy my videos . . . from when I arrived through week 6.

Just Arrived

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

About The Author

Annika Valentine

I am a teenager with a career that starts now. I'm working my way through the twists and twirls of the ballet world, with my violin by my side. Catch up with me on social media. Facebook, Instagram, YoutTube @annikavalentine. Twitter @loveannikaxoxo