Ballet has finally started!! It’s a little overwhelming, but I think I can do it. My teacher was just showing us pictures of other girls. There was one picture of a girl and her leg was in the air all the way up by her ear, 180 degrees turned out! Oh how much I would want that!
My teacher thinks all of us can achieve that by the end of the year. YIKES!
I think I can do it. I just have to work even harder. And imagine . . .
In my bedroom, I have two walls covered in ballet pictures. I want more so I can see myself in every one of them. Everyday I look at them and imagine myself reaching my goals. They’re like my vision boards. When I see them I know I have to work harder.
I made six goals. My teacher asked us what our goals are. I told her that I wrote them down and told her all of them. I suggest that you all write down your goals, no matter what they are, and review them every day.